How does Emergency ID work?

EmID+logoKAYAKLOG increases security by using Emergency ID. Choose the person(s) you allow to have permission to view your current location on the water.

  1. Login to
  2. Select Emergency ID from the menu:
  3. Add name and email of your Emergency ID person(s) and press save. You can register up to 3 Emergency ID’s which can be your spouse, your friend etc.
  4. Your Emergency ID person(s ) receive an email like this:
    “You have been selected as emergency id from (Lene Pedersen)”
    with the steps how to use the Emergency ID function.!!! If your Emergency ID person(s) did not receive this email, the Emergency ID person(s ) has to check their mail spam-folder
  5. Open the KAYAKLOG app, select ‘Settings’ and turn ‘Emergency ID’ on

You can now go on a save kayaking trip using the KAYAKLOG app

If one of your Emergency ID’s needs to check your position on the water, they have to do the following steps:

  1. Go to (no login needed), scroll to the ‘A Safety assistant!’ section and enter your
    email address
  2. After entering email, a list of email addresses where you are assigned as Emergency ID, is displayed EmIDWeb-4

  3. After selecting  the person you need to track:
    A map is displayed with the last position and time of last position of the kayaker:EMID-map